Saturday, February 7, 2015

National peculiarities.

I’m a big fan of French cinema with its vagueness, mystery, and open ends. First, I like when the movie makes me think and get to my own conclusions without explaining me what and why. Secondly, I like when the life is shown as beautiful, dramatic and complicated as it is, instead of the world of special Hollywood effects. However, even French cinema sometimes contains way too explicit stories.
Movie “L’enfant” (Baby) is a banal story of two careless teenagers who don’t really care about money and where to sleep, until the girl got pregnant and they get a 9-days-old baby. She comes back to her boyfriend, irresponsible petty criminal, who at some point decides to sell the baby for adoption without even telling his girlfriend. He explains that they “will get another baby” if they want. In short words, the whole idea of the movie is that this guy is actually a baby.
Now, something more interesting. I wouldn’t think of that movie if just a day after I didn’t read an article about similar story happened to two teenagers in Russian orphanage. A 14-year-old girl and a 15-year-old guy, living in the orphanage where they started dating, decided that they wanted to keep the baby from the accidental pregnancy. The story itself is fascinating because in the most Russian orphanages teenage pregnancy is a subject to hide from the authorities to avoid the scandal: girls usually are persuaded to do the abortion.
Somehow, in this case both parents insisted on keeping the baby. However, the hardest part was to decide what to do with a young family after the birth: they can’t stay in the orphanage and they can’t be left alone in the outside world. Luckily, local media started talking about this story and just a month before the delivery they found a host family, a woman who agreed to be their guardian. She already has 7 adopted kids, four of whom are adults and live separately. 
Now, I don’t know what will be the end of the movie, but young parents and their new host mom look happy on the pictures. 

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