Monday, December 16, 2013

Thoughts of wise people... and me

Accidentally found a notebook where just a year ago I was collecting some ideas, phrases and thoughts that I heard or read somewhere as well as my own thoughts. A lot of them still sound vital for me.

“For the whole 15 years since he realized that life was not an easy thing it didn’t seem to be as hard as it was now”.

“Having a character is not that bad for an angel”
John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga

“You can be happy even without money, but when everything around tells you that you can be happy only while spending money you become frustrated. It seems like you don’t exist if you don’t consume. I think, people should learn how to spend not more, but better. You have to know and to feel what you really need. You shouldn’t live in a permanent search of something special – something that doesn’t even have a shape…”
 From the interview with some Russian actor

You can rush about, be exhausted, have grave problems, be sick, but remain absolutely happy.

Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.

“If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.”
Ray Bradbury

“Everyone knows that Russian women are the craziest women in the world. Their eyes are full of passion; they often cheat on their husbands and sleep with other guys. However, they rarely have more than two kids. That’s how Allah punishes them!”

“I think there are people of two types: those who come from forest and those who come from steppe. You can get drunk without wine in the East, in the steppe. People are intoxicated by heated wind and hot sand. The steppe world is simple and clear. The forest world is full of questions; it doesn’t promise you anything. But the passion of a soul comes from the forest. A steppe person is able to have only one feeling and to know only one truth. While a forest person has many faces. The steppe creates fanatics, the forest makes creative people. That is the main difference between the East and the West.”
Kurban Said, Ali and Nino

Just cancel tomorrow in your life and you will always have time for everything

“It requires a lot of courage to ask this fundamental question – what things that I demand from the other person I have to do myself for myself.”
James Hollis

I hate the phrase “What’s new?” You can’t respond “I’m ok” and shrug your shoulders with indifference.

“There is time for work and there is time for love. There is no other time”
Coco Chanel

What do I love? Books, history, stories, people, music, piano, leaves, movies, languages, smiles, fluffy hair, dances, surprises, presents, to wake up with sun, snow, letters, kids, to say hello, to love, to write in a pretty handwriting, my students, Saturday, campus at 9 am…

“There is no way back in love. You can’t start from the beginning – everything that happens stays in your blood”
Erich Maria Remarque, Borrowed Life

           - What do you see in this guy?
-        -   Happiness.

“You become incredibly arrogant in our sorrow. We try to show that we don’t need anyone while inside we wish to feel somebody’s arm on our shoulder.”
Elchin Sadarli, I’ll come back

Clocks not only guard the time, they also remind you how quickly the time passes.

“When you don’t know what to do wait for a while. Hide. Live as it goes. The sign will appear sooner or later. The most important is to know that you are waiting and to be ready to meet what you are waiting for.”
Luis Rivera

Come on, accept finally yourself as you are. Imagine that you are a real you.

“Those who are to meet are connected by red, invisible thread in spite of time, place and circumstances. This thread may stretch out, may tangle, but it will never break off”
Old Chinese proverb

Death doesn’t leave you a chance to play a role – it reconciles everything and everyone.

“Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad mood.”
Faina Ranevskaya

I’m so happy today. I have a little secret – there are much more good people than bad ones. Much more.

One of the signs that you live abroad – you use Google more often than Yandex.

Your charm is your happiness that shines in you.

-       You know what? The best photos are made by your memory.

The deepest feeling of freedom – to walk barefeet…

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