Friday, May 24, 2013


A day of little good things. Money for short, tired old woman with a stick who asked for 32 rubles to buy medicines. I felt so sorry for her. Gave her 50 rubles and wanted to hug her, to support.
A day of lost things. I lost one of my favorite hand-made earrings somewhere on the way from home to cafĂ©. A guy going ahead dropped 1000 rubles. I gave to him. A pleasure from doing a little good. But have I only looked at a woman sitting opposite me in a subway car and she lost her earring as well. I’m conveying karma or what?
Sometimes life gives us surprising fortuities. For sure, it was unpleasant to wait for an hour for the interview which lasted for 5 minutes for an unlear company (for the position of Russian teacher) . However, if you are waiting with a person who had been living in America for 15 years and got PhD over there, it changes the situation. And this hour of waiting turns out to be more important that an interview.
From yesterday:
Wonderful! You wanted to work your abs out? Here you got everything – the abs, arms, legs… (working out during dance practice)
In a subway: A young guy with an impressive volume in hands. looked at me in expectation, then sat down on free place. “A steep” is written on the cover. A serious young man.
A tent on the quay of Moscow River. A romantic idea – “let’s sit on the bank and enjoy a view? It will be raining around and people will run somewhere under their umbrellas, but it’ll be warm and cozy and beautiful between us…”

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